Slovenia against KFOR troop reduction

Slovenia and most NATO members are against reducing KFOR numbers in Kosovo, says Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Žbogar.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 06.03.2009.


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Slovenia and most NATO members are against reducing KFOR numbers in Kosovo, says Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar. At a meeting of high-ranking NATO member-state representatives yesterday in Brussels, the Slovenian foreign minister added that Slovenia and most NATO Alliance members believe the situation is Kosovo is not yet stable enough to reduce the number of soldiers in this NATO mission, according to Slovenian media. Slovenia against KFOR troop reduction “Slovenian and many other states, we could even say the majority, emphasized the need for NATO to continue its involvement in the Western Balkans and not reduce KFOR forces, as the situation in Kosovo is still not stable enough to consider reducing forces,” said Zbogar. According to the foreign minister, “Slovenia and some other countries emphasized the need to expand NATO to Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia” at the meeting. Slovenia against KFOR troop reduction (FoNet, archive)

Slovenia against KFOR troop reduction

“Slovenian and many other states, we could even say the majority, emphasized the need for NATO to continue its involvement in the Western Balkans and not reduce KFOR forces, as the situation in Kosovo is still not stable enough to consider reducing forces,” said Žbogar.

According to the foreign minister, “Slovenia and some other countries emphasized the need to expand NATO to Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia” at the meeting.

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