Serbian president accuses EULEX of incompetence

Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolić has strongly condemned EULEX’s inability to respond to his request to attend Christmas liturgy in the Gračanica monastery.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 04.01.2013.


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BELGRADE Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolic has strongly condemned EULEX’s inability to respond to his request to attend Christmas liturgy in the Gracanica monastery. A release from the president’s press office says that Nikolic sent a request to EULEX Mission in Pristina on December 28. Serbs mark Orthodox Christmas on January 7. Serbian president accuses EULEX of incompetence “Bearing in mind that a response to the request still has not arrived, it is quite obvious that EULEX is not a status neutral mission and that it is not capable of ensuring safety to anyone in Kosovo and Metohija, including the Serbian president, which makes the existence of the institution in the province’s territory meaningless,” it is said in the release. Nikolic, according to the statement, expects the implementation of international regulations and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 to be ensured in the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations and especially to ensure safety of all citizens who reside in the territory of Kosovo, regardless of their ethnicity. “Limitations of the freedom of movement represent a gross violation of basic human rights defined in the UN Charter and they are unacceptable from the aspect of civilization values that the EU advocates,” it is concluded in the release. EULEX has rejected the accusations and mission’s Spokeswoman Irina Gudeljevic told Radio Free Europe that EULEX was not a part of a chain in charge of approving or banning entrance to Kosovo. “A request for entry of Serbian officials in Kosovo is sent to the EU’s special representative in Belgrade. EU special representative’s office in Pristina forwards the request to the Kosovo government and a response is sent back the same way, so we are only informed about it all,” she pointed out. Nikolic has not visited Kosovo since he took presidential office on May 31, 2012. Members of his cabinet have, however, visited the province on several occasions. The Serbian government has released that Office for Kosovo Director Aleksandar Vulin will spend Christmas in Kosovo. Vulin will on Christmas Eve, January 6, attend a liturgy in the St. Demetrius’ Church in Kosovska Mitrovica, while he will attend a Christmas liturgy in the Gracanica monastery on Christmas Day. Tomislav Nikolic (Tanjug, file) B92 Tanjug Radio Free Europe

Serbian president accuses EULEX of incompetence

“Bearing in mind that a response to the request still has not arrived, it is quite obvious that EULEX is not a status neutral mission and that it is not capable of ensuring safety to anyone in Kosovo and Metohija, including the Serbian president, which makes the existence of the institution in the province’s territory meaningless,” it is said in the release.

Nikolić, according to the statement, expects the implementation of international regulations and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 to be ensured in the continuation of the Belgrade-Priština negotiations and especially to ensure safety of all citizens who reside in the territory of Kosovo, regardless of their ethnicity.

“Limitations of the freedom of movement represent a gross violation of basic human rights defined in the UN Charter and they are unacceptable from the aspect of civilization values that the EU advocates,” it is concluded in the release.

EULEX has rejected the accusations and mission’s Spokeswoman Irina Gudeljević told Radio Free Europe that EULEX was not a part of a chain in charge of approving or banning entrance to Kosovo.

“A request for entry of Serbian officials in Kosovo is sent to the EU’s special representative in Belgrade. EU special representative’s office in Priština forwards the request to the Kosovo government and a response is sent back the same way, so we are only informed about it all,” she pointed out.

Nikolić has not visited Kosovo since he took presidential office on May 31, 2012. Members of his cabinet have, however, visited the province on several occasions.

The Serbian government has released that Office for Kosovo Director Aleksandar Vulin will spend Christmas in Kosovo.

Vulin will on Christmas Eve, January 6, attend a liturgy in the St. Demetrius’ Church in Kosovska Mitrovica, while he will attend a Christmas liturgy in the Gračanica monastery on Christmas Day.

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