Jeremić: Serbia doesn’t want to go to court

Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said that Serbia does not want sue Croatia, rather build good neighborly relations and cooperation on the road to EU integration.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 03.01.2010.


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Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said that Serbia does not want sue Croatia, rather build good neighborly relations and cooperation on the road to EU integration. “I think it would be better for Croatia for it to never come to this process. Our main goal and wish is not to sue each other, but to cooperate on the road towards EU integration, to build good neighborly relations, to solve problems which we have inherited,” he said regarding the decision to submit a countersuit for genocide against Croatia. Jeremic: Serbia doesn’t want to go to court The Serbian government decided on December 31, 2009, to file a countersuit before the International Court of Justice against Croatia for genocide allegedly committed against Serbs during the war between 1991 and 1995. “There is a lot of material which will turn on the lights on the international stage and show what happened on the territory of Croatia, 60 years ago and 15 years ago, in the right light,” Jeremic told Radio Television Serbia. As far as European integration is concerned, Jeremic said that Serbia’s goal in 2010 is to begin the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU as soon as possible, and for Serbia to become a candidate for EU membership by the end of the year. “We will do everything to separate the EU association process and determining the future status of Kosovo in 2010, which will be a key year for the future status of Kosovo, especially the period after which the International Court of Justice gives its stance (on the legality of Kosovo independent), which will be very intensive and dynamic in a diplomatic sense for this country,” Jeremic said. He added that he does not expect the ICJ’s decision to endanger Serbia’s relations with any of its key European partners, regardless of the outcome. Vuk Jeremic (FoNet archive)

Jeremić: Serbia doesn’t want to go to court

The Serbian government decided on December 31, 2009, to file a countersuit before the International Court of Justice against Croatia for genocide allegedly committed against Serbs during the war between 1991 and 1995.

“There is a lot of material which will turn on the lights on the international stage and show what happened on the territory of Croatia, 60 years ago and 15 years ago, in the right light,” Jeremić told Radio Television Serbia.

As far as European integration is concerned, Jeremić said that Serbia’s goal in 2010 is to begin the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU as soon as possible, and for Serbia to become a candidate for EU membership by the end of the year.

“We will do everything to separate the EU association process and determining the future status of Kosovo in 2010, which will be a key year for the future status of Kosovo, especially the period after which the International Court of Justice gives its stance (on the legality of Kosovo independent), which will be very intensive and dynamic in a diplomatic sense for this country,” Jeremić said.

He added that he does not expect the ICJ’s decision to endanger Serbia’s relations with any of its key European partners, regardless of the outcome.

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