Tadić "not suggesting Kosovo partition"

President Boris Tadić says he did not propose partitioning Kosovo as a solution, but only mentioned it as a possibility after all others were exhausted.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 01.10.2008.


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President Boris Tadic says he did not propose partitioning Kosovo as a solution, but only mentioned it as a possibility after all others were exhausted. Following the controversy triggered in the media by his comments that he was prepared to consider a partition of the province as one option, Tadic responded by setting out his already well-known views on state policy on Kosovo, stating he had not suggested partition, though it was something that could be considered once all other options had been exhausted. Tadic "not suggesting Kosovo partition" "Intellectuals in Serbia and the international public are debating the issue of a partition and this is one of the options that has been emphasized all these years in searching for a solution to Kosovo's future status. I can only think about this when all other possibilities have been exhausted, while the question if I would support this solution is today an altogether hypothetical matter," Tadic told a news conference. He said that Serbia would continue trying to galvanise support for its motion at the UN General Assembly to have the Assembly put the question of Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. "This will ensure political stability in the Balkans and take the question of Kosovo's future status out of the political arena and into the legal field," Tadic said. "I will once again confirm my personal stance and the official policy of the Serbian state which is unanimous on the question of Kosovo, and that is essential autonomy (for Kosovo), and that Serbia does not recognize now nor will it ever recognize Kosovo's independence," Tadic said, adding that state policy on this issue would never change. The president said that he would be traveling to Germany today, where, over the coming days, he would be meeting with the country’s senior officials and visiting big companies. Among others, he will meet with German President Horst Keller, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Boris Tadic (FoNet, archive)

Tadić "not suggesting Kosovo partition"

"Intellectuals in Serbia and the international public are debating the issue of a partition and this is one of the options that has been emphasized all these years in searching for a solution to Kosovo's future status. I can only think about this when all other possibilities have been exhausted, while the question if I would support this solution is today an altogether hypothetical matter," Tadić told a news conference.

He said that Serbia would continue trying to galvanise support for its motion at the UN General Assembly to have the Assembly put the question of Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

"This will ensure political stability in the Balkans and take the question of Kosovo's future status out of the political arena and into the legal field," Tadić said.

"I will once again confirm my personal stance and the official policy of the Serbian state which is unanimous on the question of Kosovo, and that is essential autonomy (for Kosovo), and that Serbia does not recognize now nor will it ever recognize Kosovo's independence," Tadić said, adding that state policy on this issue would never change.

The president said that he would be traveling to Germany today, where, over the coming days, he would be meeting with the country’s senior officials and visiting big companies.

Among others, he will meet with German President Horst Keller, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

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