Koštunica party adopts declaration of neutrality

Serbia should be a militarily neutral country, the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) main board decided today.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 28.10.2007.


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Serbia should be a militarily neutral country, the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) main board decided today. Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica's party policy was thus defined in a document containing seven articles, which states that Serbia must maintain its neutral position in relation to existing military alliances. Kostunica party adopts declaration of neutrality This, according to the DSS, is the best way for the country to preserve its state integrity and its citizens' dignity, in the interest of peace. "Military neutrality is the best guarantee for peace, while such policy is the best way for Serbia to develop and progress in line with its own interest, at the same time expressing Serbia's genuine position against any policy of force, endangering world peace, aggression and war," the party document says. This, however, the declaration states, does not rule out a possibility of Serbia's cooperation with other countries in the interest of common and general security. Although reporters have gained access to the document, the DSS main board meeting held in Belgrade today remains closed to the public. DSS officials arrive to the party meeting (FoNet)

Koštunica party adopts declaration of neutrality

This, according to the DSS, is the best way for the country to preserve its state integrity and its citizens' dignity, in the interest of peace.

"Military neutrality is the best guarantee for peace, while such policy is the best way for Serbia to develop and progress in line with its own interest, at the same time expressing Serbia's genuine position against any policy of force, endangering world peace, aggression and war," the party document says.

This, however, the declaration states, does not rule out a possibility of Serbia's cooperation with other countries in the interest of common and general security.

Although reporters have gained access to the document, the DSS main board meeting held in Belgrade today remains closed to the public.

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