The French revealed details: He was screaming and posing, he refused to take off mask

The French " L’Equipe" told a detailed story about photographing Novak Djokovic

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 12.01.2022.


The French revealed details: He was screaming and posing, he refused to take off mask
Twitter Oleg S.

The French revealed details: He was screaming and posing, he refused to take off mask

French newspaper L’Equipe published a photograph of Djokovic taken when he was named the daily’s Champion of Champions in the days after he said in a court filing he had tested positive for coronavirus, December 16.

In an article written by journalist Franck Ramella, published in that high-circulation newspaper, the French interviewed the world's no. 1 two days after he tested positive for coronavirus.

According to Ramella, he was ordered not to ask questions about the vaccination and Djokovic's intentions for the Australian Open in the half hour that the interview lasted.

"The topic is sensitive, if you still doubt it. He was not asked if he was considering testing. And if so, what was the result," Ramella began.

It is further written that his team came to TC Novak on December 18 to present Djokovic with the award for the Champion of Champions in 2021, and that he found out about the positive test three weeks after that.

He also explained "how Novak posed and screamed during the filming with the trophy without a mask, but also that he covered his face during the interview".

"When they asked him to take off his mask so that the photographer could take a few photos during the interview, Novak refused," the text reads.

Ramella also revealed that he did a PCR test before the flight to Australia and that he received a negative result.

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