KK Crvena Zvezda: an enormous number of offers for Campazzo

Basketball club Crvena Zvezda announced the status of Facundo Campazzo.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 10.01.2023.


KK Crvena Zvezda: an enormous number of offers for Campazzo
Pedja Milosavljevic/STARSPORT

KK Crvena Zvezda: an enormous number of offers for Campazzo

We transmit the announcement in its entirety:

"KK Crvena Zvezda Meridianbet informs the general public that the playmaker of our team, Facundo Campazzo, remains in the club, showing his great loyalty to Crvena Zvezda despite the enormous number of offers from Euroleague clubs that arrived at our address in the previous 6 days!

With this gesture, Facundo Campazzo showed that he is not only a top basketball player, but an extraordinary person who could have chosen where could continue his career, but decided to remain a member of our club.

KK Crvena Zvezda Meridianbet continues its fight to enable Facundo Campazzo to play in the Euroleague matches before the fine imposed by the so-called "financial panel" because we consider that fine unjustifiably unfair, and harmful to the player, Crvena Zvezda, and even the Euroleague itself!

We invite all Crvena Zvezda fans to continue to visit the "Aleksandar Nikolić" gym and support this team, which will soon include Facundo Campazzo (not only in the ABA league matches), " the official announcement of the Crvena Zvezda read.

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