Hamas, Fatah resume clashes

Hamas operatives killed a wounded Fatah fighter in a gangland-style slaying early Friday.

Izvor: AP

Friday, 26.01.2007.


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Hamas, Fatah resume clashes

Fatah said a Hamas force firing rockets launched a predawn attack on the home of Nabil Jarjir, a member of the Fatah-affiliated Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, wounding him. As neighbors were taking the injured man to hospital the Hamas raiders stopped the car and killed Jarjir with a shot to the head, Fatah said.

Local Al-Aksa official Samih Madhoun vowed revenge. "Those who executed Jarjir will be punished," he said.

The attack on Jarjir's home came just hours after a roadside bomb was detonated as a squad of Hamas militiamen drove by. One militant was killed in that attack and seven were wounded, Hamas and hospital officials said. Hamas blamed Fatah for the bombing.

Both the attack on Jarjir and the bombing took place in the Jabalya refugee camp.

Earlier, Hamas charged that a Fatah unit fired a rocket at a house belonging to a commander of the Hamas force in the nearby town of Beit Hanoun.

A Hamas official, on condition of anonymity, said that during the night Fatah gunmen kidnapped seven Hamas members, while Hamas seized four Fatah members believed to be behind the roadside bombing. Fatah said six of its men had been snatched.

Hamas was scheduled to hold rallies in northern Gaza later Friday to mark one year since it ousted Fatah from power in parliamentary elections and to protest the latest attacks on its men.

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