Migrants smuggled in van with no windows or seats

Ab investigation has been launched in Zrenjanin against seven persons suspected of illegally smuggling migrants across Serbia's territory.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 23.10.2017.


Migrants smuggled in van with no windows or seats
(Tanjug/AP, file, illustration purposes)

Migrants smuggled in van with no windows or seats

Prosecutor Zoran Djuran said in a statement that the suspects are charged with enabling illegal transit through Serbia on October 20, by organizing the transport of 17 illegal migrants in a van that had no windows and no seats, in this way endangering the life and health of the passengers.

Among the 17 migrants were two minors, one of them ten years of age.

The prosecutor questioned the suspects and proposed to the court to detain them on charges of illegal crossing of state border and people smuggling.

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