What did the mass murderer from "Ribnikar" say about weapons? It wasn't the father...

Boy K.K., who committed a mass murder in "Vladislav Ribnikar", stated in the Prosecutor's Office that the weapon with which he committed the crime was secured.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 18.07.2023.


What did the mass murderer from

What did the mass murderer from "Ribnikar" say about weapons? It wasn't the father...

The boy K.K., who committed a mass murder in the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar", stated in the High Public Prosecutor's Office that the weapon with which he committed the crime was secured.

The boy said that his father did not provide him with the first contact with a firearm, as was speculated in the media, said his father's lawyer Irina Borović.

K. K. is being questioned as a witness in the proceedings against his father, Vladimir K., who is suspected of having committed a serious crime against general security. Vladimir K. has been in custody since his arrest on May 3, the same day when K. K. killed nine students and a security guard at the school.

Irina Borović added that during the interrogation, K.K. expressed remorse for what he had done.

"Today, a minor was interrogated regarding whose act, tragic and terrible, this criminal proceeding is being conducted against the defendant Vladimir Kecmanović. All the circumstances that may be important for discovering the reasons why he did all this were examined in detail. What I can say is that it was confirmed what the father explained regarding the way in which the weapon was kept and stored, so it was absolutely secured. I could not reveal the details of how he got the weapon," said Borović.

The representative of the injured parties, Zora Dobričanin, said today that it was agreed that the process would take place in the courtroom, with the aim of not disrupting the proceedings in any way, with any presentation.

"We have agreed that this process will take place in the courtroom and that is what the interest of this process is, that in no way, with any statement, should anyone disrupt this process. The only thing we can tell you is that today the court examined the witness, a minor, K. K.," said Zora Dobričanin.

K.K., the suspect's son, who at the time of the aforementioned actions was not yet 14 years old and as such is not criminally responsible, gave his statement as a witness in the presence of his legal representative, his mother, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office announced.

He was interrogated via a video conference connection established between the health facility where he is being observed and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.

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