Bosnia urges meeting with Serbian justice minister

Bosnian Justice Minister Bariša Čolak has demanded an urgent meeting with Serbian counterpart Dušan Petrović.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 28.07.2007.


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Bosnia urges meeting with Serbian justice minister

Jurišić was detained on May 1 this year on suspicion that he committed a war crime in Tuzla by taking part in a conflict between Bosnian forces and Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) troops in May 1992.

The Serbian judiciary considers the case, known as the Tuzla Column,  as one of the most serious war crimes committed against the JNA in the wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

The JNA troops came under attack as they were withdrawing as agreed from the city of Tuzla as the entire incident was broadcast live on a local TV station. Up to 200 members of the JNA were reportedly killed and 140 were taken prisoners.

“”Ilija Jurišić is the citizen of Bosnia, and the crime he reportedly committed  took place in Bosnia. Bosnia’s War Crime Prosecution is conducting the investigation into the case which had been transferred to Bosnia from the Hague Tribunal,” the statement read.

The initiative of the Bosnian ministry has been prompted by Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević recent statement that there were no valid arguments for Jurišić’s extradition.

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