Amnestied hooligan involved in new incident

A hooligan who was sent to prison for attempting to murder a police officer and was last year released early was involved in another incident.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Thursday, 21.02.2013.


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BELGRADE A hooligan who was sent to prison for attempting to murder a police officer and was last year released early was involved in another incident. Local media are reporting unofficially that on Thursday, Uros Misic and several other men were involved in a fight with another group that included foreign nationals. The incident happened in Belgrade's Plastic Club. Amnestied hooligan involved in new incident Misic was released from jail last December six months early when the Law on Amnesty took effect. He was originally sentenced to ten years in prison for aggravated attempted murder of Gendarme Nebojsa Trajkovic, whom he brutally assaulted during a football match in Belgrade in 2007. The Court of Appeals later halved his sentence to five years. In the early hours of Thursday, the Vecernje Novosti daily writes, Misic and several of his friends picked up a fight with several U.S. citizens. They reportedly fought using bottles and one American suffered light injuries. The club's management said that their security moved quickly to throw out all those involved in the fight, and that there were "no serious consequences". The U.S. embassy in Belgrade told the newspaper that they would not release any information regarding the incident for the time being, and that if they decided to address it, a written statement would be issued. Vecernje novosti

Amnestied hooligan involved in new incident

Mišić was released from jail last December six months early when the Law on Amnesty took effect.

He was originally sentenced to ten years in prison for aggravated attempted murder of Gendarme Nebojša Trajković, whom he brutally assaulted during a football match in Belgrade in 2007. The Court of Appeals later halved his sentence to five years.

In the early hours of Thursday, the Večernje Novosti daily writes, Mišić and several of his friends picked up a fight with several U.S. citizens. They reportedly fought using bottles and one American suffered light injuries.

The club's management said that their security moved quickly to throw out all those involved in the fight, and that there were "no serious consequences".

The U.S. embassy in Belgrade told the newspaper that they would not release any information regarding the incident for the time being, and that if they decided to address it, a written statement would be issued.

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