Kosovo police seize weapons cache

Kosovo police said Friday they seized a major cache of weapons and ammunition and arrested five people.

Izvor: FoNet

Friday, 19.10.2007.


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Kosovo police said Friday they seized a major cache of weapons and ammunition and arrested five people. The weapons and ammunition were found in a raid in Djeneral Jankovic, in southeastern Kosovo, close to the border with Macedonia, police said. Kosovo police seize weapons cache The cache included a recoilless cannon, an anti-aircraft machine gun, a mortar, a sniper rifle and 1,300 rounds of various ammunition. The five arrested, aged between 30 and 72, were facing charges linked to smuggling of weapons, police said. Also Friday in Kosovo, police confirmed that an explosive device was thrown at a Serbian Orthodox church in Gnjilane. The bomb, however, did not explode on impact, leaving only a black trace on the wall of the St. Nikola church, a KPS spokesman in the area told journalists. KFOR, UNMIK police and KPS were out in force to block the part of the town where the church is located. Serb sources in town say that two Molotov cocktails were in fact thrown at the Orthodox temple.

Kosovo police seize weapons cache

The cache included a recoilless cannon, an anti-aircraft machine gun, a mortar, a sniper rifle and 1,300 rounds of various ammunition.

The five arrested, aged between 30 and 72, were facing charges linked to smuggling of weapons, police said.

Also Friday in Kosovo, police confirmed that an explosive device was thrown at a Serbian Orthodox church in Gnjilane.

The bomb, however, did not explode on impact, leaving only a black trace on the wall of the St. Nikola church, a KPS spokesman in the area told journalists.

KFOR, UNMIK police and KPS were out in force to block the part of the town where the church is located.

Serb sources in town say that two Molotov cocktails were in fact thrown at the Orthodox temple.

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