Acquittal in Greek embassy attack case

A group of six anarchists has been acquitted after being charged with throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Greek embassy last year.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 16.06.2010.


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A group of six anarchists has been acquitted after being charged with throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Greek embassy last year. The verdict came because of a lack of evidence against them, said the judges. Acquittal in Greek embassy attack case “The basis for the dropping of the charges is legal, not political. It was not proven that the indictees committed the crime,” stated Judge Dragomir Gerasimovic. The defendants Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (25), Ivan Vulovic (25), Sanja Dojkic (20), Ivan Savic (26) and Nikola Mitrovic (30) were initially charged with international terrorism, but the prosecution changed the indictment to “causing general danger”. They were accused of writing graffiti on the Greek embassy in Belgrade and throwing a firebomb at the building in August 2009. They spent six months in custody due to the charges and the ensuing investigation.

Acquittal in Greek embassy attack case

“The basis for the dropping of the charges is legal, not political. It was not proven that the indictees committed the crime,” stated Judge Dragomir Gerasimović.

The defendants Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (25), Ivan Vulović (25), Sanja Dojkić (20), Ivan Savić (26) and Nikola Mitrović (30) were initially charged with international terrorism, but the prosecution changed the indictment to “causing general danger”.

They were accused of writing graffiti on the Greek embassy in Belgrade and throwing a firebomb at the building in August 2009.

They spent six months in custody due to the charges and the ensuing investigation.

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