“Del Ponte almost dropped charges against Milošević”

Carla Del Ponte considered dropping Kosovo war crimes charges against Slobodan Milošević, says a former colleague.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 10.04.2008.


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Carla Del Ponte considered dropping Kosovo war crimes charges against Slobodan Milosevic, says a former colleague. In a letter published by Pristina daily Koha Ditore, Geoffrey Nice says that the former Hague chief prosecutor turned down the requests of three colleagues in the Milosevic case to call then senior Yugoslav Army official Bozidar Delic as a witness in the case. “Del Ponte almost dropped charges against Milosevic” Delic was supposed to be questioned as a key witness in the case against recently acquitted Ramush Haradinaj, he claimed. Nice was the prosecutor in the Milosevic case. In the letter, Nice talks a lot about the case against former Kosovo Prime Minister Haradinaj, stating that at least three experienced prosecution lawyers advised Del Ponte against indicting him. “Haradinaj was indicted in spite of the advice of three experienced prosecution lawyers, who claimed that there was not enough evidence,” the former prosecutor said, adding that one of them had written an extensive analysis outlining precisely why Haradinaj’s guilt could not be proven.

“Del Ponte almost dropped charges against Milošević”

Delić was supposed to be questioned as a key witness in the case against recently acquitted Ramush Haradinaj, he claimed.

Nice was the prosecutor in the Milošević case.

In the letter, Nice talks a lot about the case against former Kosovo Prime Minister Haradinaj, stating that at least three experienced prosecution lawyers advised Del Ponte against indicting him.

“Haradinaj was indicted in spite of the advice of three experienced prosecution lawyers, who claimed that there was not enough evidence,” the former prosecutor said, adding that one of them had written an extensive analysis outlining precisely why Haradinaj’s guilt could not be proven.

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