Injured police officer in stable condition

A police officer, severely injured yesterday during clashes with Red Star football fans, is out of danger.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 03.12.2007.


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A police officer, severely injured yesterday during clashes with Red Star football fans, is out of danger. According to the head of the Military-Medical Academy (VMA) Miodrag Jevtic, gendarme Nebojsa Trajkovic was admitted to that hospital with severe body injuries and burns, but after treatment his condition is now stable and he has not suffered any internal injuries. Injured police officer in stable condition The hooligans attacked the plain clothes police officer as he filmed two groups of supporters in the Marakana's north stand during yesterday's match between the Belgrade side and Hajduk Kula. They beat him with broken seats and torches, and at one point, Trajkovic fired severl warning shots into the air. Police have arrested three suspects following the incident. "Our goal was not to beat up fans but to stop the violence and calm the situation, to separate and locate the hooligans," Gendarmerie Commander General Borivoje Tesic told Tanjug in the wake of the incident yesterday. Tesic said his men could have intervened much quicker and much more brutally, but that they followed orders they were given at the time, adding this was a "good outcome". The general added that the violence happened with a lot of smoke, flares and strong firecrackers. The police have finished investigating the scene and are now working on identifying other participants in last night's incident. The Gendarmerie was formed in 2001, and is the Serbian MUP's top unit, that deals with large scale urban violence and terrorist threat. A uniformed gendarme with no riot gear, right, tries to protect his injured colleague (Tanjug)

Injured police officer in stable condition

The hooligans attacked the plain clothes police officer as he filmed two groups of supporters in the Marakana's north stand during yesterday's match between the Belgrade side and Hajduk Kula.

They beat him with broken seats and torches, and at one point, Trajković fired severl warning shots into the air. Police have arrested three suspects following the incident.

"Our goal was not to beat up fans but to stop the violence and calm the situation, to separate and locate the hooligans," Gendarmerie Commander General Borivoje Tešić told Tanjug in the wake of the incident yesterday.

Tešić said his men could have intervened much quicker and much more brutally, but that they followed orders they were given at the time, adding this was a "good outcome".

The general added that the violence happened with a lot of smoke, flares and strong firecrackers. The police have finished investigating the scene and are now working on identifying other participants in last night's incident.

The Gendarmerie was formed in 2001, and is the Serbian MUP's top unit, that deals with large scale urban violence and terrorist threat.

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