Vučić visits the works on the bridge over the Sava; "It is my fault..."

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić visits Šabac, to attend the joining of the bridge over the Sava (section 2).

Izvor: B92

Monday, 25.07.2022.


Vučić visits the works on the bridge over the Sava;

Vučić visits the works on the bridge over the Sava; "It is my fault..."

Upon arrival, President Vučić declared that the bridge was beautiful. He also said that the road from Šabac to Ruma should be completed this fall, and from Šabac to Loznica a year later, in September 2024.

"We still manage to maintain the projected dynamics of work and that is a big thing for Serbia," he said.

He said that the future journey from Belgrade to Šabac will take mere 40 minutes, not an hour and ten minutes, which is a significant difference.

"At a time when speed is becoming important due to increased needs, this represents a key benefit," he added.

The President then pointed out that the Jadar project could have been a development boost for the whole of Podrinje and Loznica.

"The Jadar project could have been a development boost for the whole of Podrinje and Loznica, which could have had a budget of 150 million euros so that people could live five to ten times better than today, but it is my own fault that I succumbed to the pressures, which were somewhat induced from the outside. Loznica is developing quickly, but not fast enough. And this is a big thing," noted Vučić.

"We will complete the Ruma-Šabac highway in a little more than a year. This is a big deal for Belgrade, Novi Sad, but also for the whole of Mačva, the whole of Podrinje," he said.

He reminded us that the works on the Šabac-Loznica high-speed road, near Loznica, were opened, and a better job of expropriation was done than in Šabac, with some problems in Štitar, causing the part of the project to be changed.

"That way, Serbia would no longer be the same country and the Drina will be much closer. We must not forget the impact on the economy," explained Vučić. The bridge on the Sava near Šabac, he says, is a small masterpiece.

He pointed out that the bridge was financed directly from the budget of Serbia.

"I am proud of what we are building and that the country looks different from day to day. We did not stop any big projects during the crisis. Things are going well," he said.

Vučić explained that as soon as the price of gas rises, the prices of other materials will rise, and he points out that it is therefore important to finish the works "as quickly and as soon as possible".

When asked by a journalist how long it took to build this road and whether this and other roads will influence the additional investors to come, he said that it is extremely important to build roads and that it is a condition which makes the whole country progress.

"This is what brings us higher salaries and pensions. This bridge means new jobs," said the President and pointed out that salaries are twice as high today compared to 2014.

During the de-icing of the bridge, he stated that it is important to prepare as much as possible for the winter.

"The electricity prices have gone to heaven. Everyone cools and heats with electricity. When there are days like this, consumption is like during winter. We will see what we will have to do and whether we will have to be responsible and save as Europeans or we will manage to push through without that. Soon we will have to make some assessments," he stated.

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