Serbian currency hits new 2016 low against euro

The Serbian dinar (RSD) dropped another 0.1 percent of its value against the euro (EUR) on Friday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 24.06.2016.


Serbian currency hits new 2016 low against euro

Serbian currency hits new 2016 low against euro

The NBS intervened on Thursday by selling EUR 15 million on the interbank foreign exchange market to curb excessive daily exchange rate fluctuations, bringing the total to EUR 820 million sold and EUR 20 million purchased since the beginning of the year.

The dinar will drop by 0.8 percent against the eurozone currency compared to a month ago and by 2.7 percent compared to a year ago. The dinar has dropped by 1.7 percent against the euro since the beginning of the year.

The dinar-to-dollar indicative exchange rate rose by 0.2 percent to RSD 108.7762 on Thursday.

The dinar rose by 0.7 percent against the US currency compared to a month ago and dropped by 0.9 percent compared to a year ago, rising by 2.3 percent since the beginning of the year.

The dinar reached its 2016 high against the euro on January 4, when one euro was exchanged for RSD 121.5141.

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