Metro construction begins: "Project of strategic importance for Belgrade and Serbia"

Minister of Finance in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Siniša Mali, posted on Instagram.


Sunday, 21.11.2021.


Metro construction begins:
Foto: Instagram/Siniša Mali

Metro construction begins: "Project of strategic importance for Belgrade and Serbia"

"Everything is ready for tomorrow, Monday, November 22, to officially start the works on Makiško polje, on the project of building the Belgrade metro. A historic day that generations of our citizens have been waiting for!", Mali wrote on that social network.

"Many authorities before us had plans to build a subway, but no one has ever done anything concrete on that issue. On the other hand, we have been actively working on this capital project for a long time, which is of great, strategic importance for the City of Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia", the Minister of Finance pointed out.

As he stated, the subway we are building will be the most modern possible, fully automated, without a train driver.

When it is completely finished, the first metro line will connect Zeleznik and Mirijevo, will be 21.1 kilometers long and will have 21 stations. The second line will connect Bežanija and Mirijevo, will be 21 kilometers long and will have 23 stations. The two of them will intersect on Sava Square.

The first metro line is planned to be completed in 2028, and the second in 2030.

By the way, with the introduction of the subway in the public transport system, it is planned to reorganize the existing lines of public city transport. The metro routes have been harmonized with the development of the "BG train", and the development of four lines of the city railway and three lines of the suburban railway is planned. That way, we will have a much healthier city and environment, because we will reduce the number of buses and cars on the streets.

This means that we will have an integrated rail system, which consists of a metro, tram and BG train, which will solve traffic problems in Belgrade.

The development of rail systems in the city has a dual role - to improve the functioning of the traffic system, reduce the use of passenger cars, especially on congested routes and to be a generator of development of certain city routes and zones.

This is the largest and one of the most important infrastructure, capital projects, which requires time and patience, and every phase, every step that leads us to the subway, must be carefully planned and implemented.

The construction of the subway, which is part of the "Serbia 2025" project, will make life easier for citizens and contribute to a healthier way of transporting people, and at the same time it will affect the growth of Serbia's GDP, Mali wrote on Instagram.

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