Serbian businessman on Forbes list

Delta Holding owner Milorad Mišković has made it to the Forbes list of the world’s richest people.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 09.03.2007.


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Serbian businessman on Forbes list

The Forbes Magazine has based its list on the data collected during research carried out from the beginning of 2006 till February 9, 2007.

The list is headed by two Americans, Microsoft mogul Bill Gates with assets valued at US$ 56 bn and investment magnate Warren Buffet, whose fortune stands at US$ 52 bn. A Mexico's Carlos Slim Helu came third with assets worth US$ 49 bn.

The billionaires' combined net worth reached US$ 3.5 trillion. Two-thirds of last year's billionaires are richer now. Only 17 percent failed to keep up with last year's results and decreased their fortune, including 32 entrepreneurs who fell below the billion-dollar mark.

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