No more charter permits for Jat after Tuesday

Jat Airways CEO Saša Vlaisavljević has confirmed that the company has received a permit for today’s charter flight to the Turkish resort of Antalya.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 16.06.2009.


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Jat Airways CEO Sasa Vlaisavljevic has confirmed that the company has received a permit for today’s charter flight to the Turkish resort of Antalya. Vlaisavljevic added that Jat had no more permits for the further 250 flights planned for the rest of the tourist season. No more charter permits for Jat after Tuesday “That’s very irresponsible. We’ll ask the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate for further guarantees for this season, as the practice is for us to receive permits for the whole season, not to get it for a flight the next day the day before. That’s very irresponsible, and we can’t keep working like that,“ he underlined. The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate said yesterday that Turkish aviation authorities had pledged not to stop today’s scheduled Jat flight, adding that the agreement on charter permits signed in early June was still being applied.

No more charter permits for Jat after Tuesday

“That’s very irresponsible. We’ll ask the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate for further guarantees for this season, as the practice is for us to receive permits for the whole season, not to get it for a flight the next day the day before. That’s very irresponsible, and we can’t keep working like that,“ he underlined.

The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate said yesterday that Turkish aviation authorities had pledged not to stop today’s scheduled Jat flight, adding that the agreement on charter permits signed in early June was still being applied.

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