NBS sells another EUR 10mn

The National Bank of Serbia sold on Wednesday EUR 10mn on the inter-bank foreign exchange market to ensure its unhindered functioning and encourage exchange.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 08.07.2010.


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The National Bank of Serbia sold on Wednesday EUR 10mn on the inter-bank foreign exchange market to ensure its unhindered functioning and encourage exchange. Including the Wednesday intervention, the NBS sold EUR 1.476bn since the beginning of the year in order to ease excessive daily volatility of the exchange rate and encourage exchange on the foreign exchange market. NBS sells another EUR 10mn On Wednesday, for the third day in a row, dinar continued to strengthen against euro, by 0.16 percent, thus setting the official middle exchange rate at RSD 103.8302 for one euro.

NBS sells another EUR 10mn

On Wednesday, for the third day in a row, dinar continued to strengthen against euro, by 0.16 percent, thus setting the official middle exchange rate at RSD 103.8302 for one euro.

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