Merry Christmas, Christ is born!

Orthodox believers celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar - the birth of Jesus Christ, the happiest Christian holiday. Christ is born!

Izvor: B92

Friday, 07.01.2022.


Merry Christmas, Christ is born!

Merry Christmas, Christ is born!

Along with Easter, Christmas is one of the two biggest Christian holidays.

It is the day when the Christian world celebrates the birth of Christ and when, according to belief, the spirit of Jesus is omnipresent among people, bringing them peace and forgiveness.

In addition to the Serbian Orthodox Church, Christmas is celebrated according to the Julian calendar in the Russian, Georgian and Macedonian churches, the Jerusalem Patriarchate, and it is also celebrated by the Copts.

Christmas message of the Serbian Orthodox Church

“In the holiday joy of Christmas we send greetings and prayers to our sisters and brothers at home and abroad wherever Orthodox Christian Serbs live, especially those in Kosovo and Metohija, our spiritual and national cradle,” the Patriarch said in his Christmas message.

His Holiness Porfirije, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch sent a Christmas message to the Orthodox Christians, with all the hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church - the clergy, monastics and all the sons and daughters of our holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with a joyful Christmas greeting:

Peace of God - Christ is born!

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