What will COVID passports look like, and when should we expect them?

Most EU countries have agreed to make travel easier by introducing a digital vaccination certificate.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 01.03.2021.


What will COVID passports look like, and when should we expect them?
Foto: Profimedia

What will COVID passports look like, and when should we expect them?

Most countries, members of European Union, have agreed to make travel easier by introducing a digital vaccination certificate, while unvaccinated people will be able to travel with a negative PCR test. How will it all work?

"The vaccination certificate will be in digital form, it will not be a physical document that is taken out in an institution," JUTA director Aleksandar Senicic explained to Prva TV Morning program.

As he says, although the basic idea is to enable the flow of people in the European Union, he expects that this certificate will soon be valid for the whole world. It seems that those who have been vaccinated have a QR code, and by scanning it, they will be able to obtain all relevant information.

"Cyprus has announced that it may cite a limit on vaccines approved by the European Commission. However, given the number of Russian and Chinese tourists each year, I do not believe the economy issue will be more important than who received which vaccine," he said.

Senicic points out that the International Association of Airlines is already starting with digital certificates, i.e. that some companies already have Travel-Pass. When it comes to the EU, they announced that it will take about three months to sort everything out, because those who scan the code only need to get relevant health information.

The risk of coronavirus infection is not covered by travel insurance, says Senicic, and it will probably have to be a condition for entering some countries.

Unvaccinated people will probably be able to have a negative PCR test that will be sufficient. But what when the trip takes more than 24 hours or 48 hours?

"In that case, it is possible to do a PCR test on the spot. Most countries require a PCR test not older than 72 hours, but it is certainly possible that, if it expires, it is done where you land."

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