Storms hit northern Serbia

Storms, thunder and strong winds have hit northern Serbia, especially the two largest cities of Belgrade and Novi Sad.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 30.06.2009.


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Storms, thunder and strong winds have hit northern Serbia, especially the two largest cities of Belgrade and Novi Sad. Firefighters in Belgrade received numerous calls from members of the public complaining of flooded basements and reporting that their cars had been submerged under water. Storms hit northern Serbia Cars parked under overpasses near the Belgrade ambulance headquarters were left completely submerged with only the roofs remaining visible above the water. Water even seeped in those vehicles parked on the curb of the overpass. Traffic was stopped because of the sheer volume of rainfall. Ambulance and police were also unable to get through the floods. The sight of cars completely submerged in water became something of a curiosity as passers-by began filming and taking photos of the scenes on mobile phones. Even though there were no serious traffic jams, traffic is moving very slowly in Belgrade. Many basements were also flooded in the town of Valjevo, though city officials said that there was no threat of the river bursting its banks and flooding the streets for now. According to the weather forecast, rain will continue to fall throughout most of Serbia for the rest of the day with more chances of storms in the evening.

Storms hit northern Serbia

Cars parked under overpasses near the Belgrade ambulance headquarters were left completely submerged with only the roofs remaining visible above the water.

Water even seeped in those vehicles parked on the curb of the overpass.

Traffic was stopped because of the sheer volume of rainfall.

Ambulance and police were also unable to get through the floods.

The sight of cars completely submerged in water became something of a curiosity as passers-by began filming and taking photos of the scenes on mobile phones.

Even though there were no serious traffic jams, traffic is moving very slowly in Belgrade.

Many basements were also flooded in the town of Valjevo, though city officials said that there was no threat of the river bursting its banks and flooding the streets for now.

According to the weather forecast, rain will continue to fall throughout most of Serbia for the rest of the day with more chances of storms in the evening.

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