B92 Fund head Matić wins UEPS award

B92 Fund’s Board of Directors President Veran Matić has won UEPS Dragan Sakan – New Idea award.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.12.2012.


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BELGRADE B92 Fund’s Board of Directors President Veran Matic has won UEPS Dragan Sakan – New Idea award. Strategic Marketin’s Srdjan Bogosavljevic won the life achievement award. B92 Fund head Matic wins UEPS award The awards for the best achievements in the communication-marketing field were awarded by the Association of Market Communication of Serbia (UEPS) on Thursday night. Bogosavljevic won the lifetime achievement award for his successful career as a researcher, mathematic statistics expert and founder of several agencies and laboratories. Matic won the award for his “different and innovative thinking in the field of communication”. He said that he could not say what Sakan would think about the recipient of the award but that he was sure that he would be very happy that the New Moment agency had won the largest number of awards for creativity. “We all remember some important moments in our lives and started to take myself more seriously after Dragan Sakan invited me to a business diner after Radio B92 had been founded. That was a sign that I had entered some more serious phase in my life. Today we need all the creativity in some sort of offensive that can only make some serious progress in this neglected society,” Matic said at the award ceremony. He stressed that all associates of the B92 Fund, B92 media outlets, Saatchi and Saatchi agency and Direct PR were equal recipients of the award because they had jointly realized several award-winning campaigns. Olympic Committee of Serbia (OKS) campaign dubbed “Invisible Champions” won UEPS Grand Prix. New Moment, McCann Beograd, Communis and MMS Communication won the largest number of awards. Saatchi and Saatchi and B92 Fund’s campaign Battle for Maternity Wards won six awards – in the categories of social and humanitarian campaign, direct marketing, website, event project, promo campaign March for the Babies and socially responsible campaign. Veran Matic is seen at the award ceremony (B92) B92

B92 Fund head Matić wins UEPS award

The awards for the best achievements in the communication-marketing field were awarded by the Association of Market Communication of Serbia (UEPS) on Thursday night.

Bogosavljević won the lifetime achievement award for his successful career as a researcher, mathematic statistics expert and founder of several agencies and laboratories.

Matić won the award for his “different and innovative thinking in the field of communication”.

He said that he could not say what Sakan would think about the recipient of the award but that he was sure that he would be very happy that the New Moment agency had won the largest number of awards for creativity.

“We all remember some important moments in our lives and started to take myself more seriously after Dragan Sakan invited me to a business diner after Radio B92 had been founded. That was a sign that I had entered some more serious phase in my life. Today we need all the creativity in some sort of offensive that can only make some serious progress in this neglected society,” Matić said at the award ceremony.

He stressed that all associates of the B92 Fund, B92 media outlets, Saatchi and Saatchi agency and Direct PR were equal recipients of the award because they had jointly realized several award-winning campaigns.

Olympic Committee of Serbia (OKS) campaign dubbed “Invisible Champions” won UEPS Grand Prix.

New Moment, McCann Beograd, Communis and MMS Communication won the largest number of awards.

Saatchi and Saatchi and B92 Fund’s campaign Battle for Maternity Wards won six awards – in the categories of social and humanitarian campaign, direct marketing, website, event project, promo campaign March for the Babies and socially responsible campaign.

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