After 25 hours in session, Report on the negotiation process with Pristina adopted

The Assembly of Serbia resumed its special session on Wednesday at 10 a.m., with the only item on the agenda - the Report on negotiation process with Pristina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 15.09.2022.


After 25 hours in session, Report on the negotiation process with Pristina adopted
Foto: ATAImages/A.K.

After 25 hours in session, Report on the negotiation process with Pristina adopted

After 25 hours of the session on Kosovo and Metohija - Report on the negotiation process with Pristina was adopted.

The session lasted more than 14 hours and the Report on the negotiation process with Pristina was adopted with 148 votes in favor, 57 against, 2 abstained (out of 207 MPs).

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, in his final speech after a total of 25 hours of the two-day session of the Assembly on Kosovo and Metohija, clearly stated that "in no way, directly or indirectly, will the independence of Kosovo be recognized", and that "the fight will last until final victory".

President Vučić's final speech: "Difficult weeks await us"

The president points out that after the conversation with Putin, he received information from Macron, Scholz and Michel that the Russian president withdrew the argument of seizing Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia.

"I expect different initiatives regarding the Berlin process. The coming weeks will be very difficult and serious for us. I don't know if you got to see the reports from Armenia, Kyrgyzstan... It is enough to hear the words of the Belgian Prime Minister that the European economy will fall. If the European economy falls, then you can think what state our economy is in.The next six, a little more than six and a half months will be the most difficult for Europe after the Second World War as a whole. For us, perhaps not the most difficult, but it will be one of the most difficult years for the citizens of Serbia since 1945. It's not easy, and I expect that pressures will become more acute. I believe that I will be able to talk more about this when I return from New York, because I have 22 bilateral meetings with heads of state and government. The days ahead of us will be rather busy and, unfortunately, the political actors did not understand it at all, and neither did our social scene. Everyone only looks at their share, I don't mean in a particularly negative sense, few people were interested in the state. I prayed that we didn't need any noise about the parade. It is easiest for everyone to blame the state". It is the state that "must meet everyone's needs," says Vučić in his final speech.

President says that, in his opinion, the Russians are waiting for a new Yalta, and the latter want to avoid it. Also, he clearly said that he will not recognize Kosovo's independence either directly or indirectly. He points out that it implies that Europe's plan would be for Serbia to agree to the so-called Kosovo joins the UN.

"We are caught between the mallet and the anvil," said the president. He pointed out that he discussed the import of oil with the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, because the European ban on the import of Russian oil also affects Serbia. "I believe that I will host him soon," says Vučić.

Although none of the Serbs have applied to Kurti for license plates, they do not want to give up the idea.

"They expected two or three thousand people to sign up, and only one person signed up. They experienced a debacle and that will increase their nervousness, it will speed up their pressure, it will increase their passion to change things through violence on the ground. Whatever they do wrong, they will always have the support of their political patrons," said Vučić.

He also says that "nobody likes Serbia because we lead an independent policy".

"There is no magic wand and easy solutions, but we have to fight with smart, rational and serious politics. To fight until the final victory. Long live Serbia! Long live Kosovo and Metohija!" Vučić concluded.

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