Vucic reveals what he plans to ask Putin regarding Kosovo

President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Monday that he will ask President Vladimir Putin that they assess the problem of Kosovo and Metohija "more deeply."

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 08.05.2018.


Vucic reveals what he plans to ask Putin regarding Kosovo

Vucic reveals what he plans to ask Putin regarding Kosovo

"I will ask President Putin that he, not only in the direct support he provides to Serbia, unequivocally comes out with his political position in all organs and international institutions and organizations," Vucic told Pink TV, when asked "what kind of message he was bringing to the meeting with Putin today."

"I will plead with President Putin to assess the problem of Kosovo and Metohija more deeply," Vucic said.

He recalled that Russia has always provided unambiguous support to the territorial integrity of Serbia, and not only that, but also to the country's independent decision-making and its essential independence, as well as military neutrality. "And there is no doubt that I will repeat the position and the fact that Serbia will not in any way join NATO or other military blocs," Vucic said, adding that Serbia would also continue to stay outside any sanctions against Russia.

Vucic said he and Putin would discuss "important topics, economic relations, military and economic cooperation."

"We will also talk about military equipment. We always talk about it. I would like to thank for the MiGs (donated by Russia) which we received under significantly more favorable conditions than some others. But I do not want to speak in advance about that which is not in Serbia, when it is, I will talk," he said.

Vucic added that he perceived it as an extraordinary honor to be the first foreign statesman to meet with Putin at the start of his new, fourth term in office, and after his inauguration on Monday.

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