"We are entering a dramatic phase of development... Serbian police could fire back"

What President Aleksandar Vučić spoke about yesterday shows that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is entering a dramatic phase of development.

Izvor: RTS

Friday, 07.07.2023.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Marjan Vucetic, File

"We are entering a dramatic phase of development... Serbian police could fire back"

This was stated by the president of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun, for RTS, adding that there is no indication that Pristina will give up unilateral moves.

Drecun points out that he is concerned about the recklessness of Prishtina and that there is apparently a directive that Kosovo police forces can "operate" along the administrative line and cross it if necessary.

Drecun points out that another incursion of armed Kosovo policemen into the territory of central Serbia shows that KFOR is not fulfilling its mandate because, as he says, it should not allow the possibility of such a thing to happen, that is, it would have to remove the armed formations of Pristina far from the administrative line.

"It also shows the recklessness of Pristina, which obviously does not shy away from causing extremely serious incidents. Our police officers could have opened fire. This is a violation of all existing agreements, including Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement," emphasizes Drecun. He says that recklessness is worrying and that apparently there is a directive from Pristina that police forces can "exercise" along the administrative line and cross it if necessary.

"It is something that is unacceptable, something that creates the conditions for a constant overflow of armed incidents, which Pristina causes, on this side of the administrative line," warns Drecun.

"The problem of Kosovo and Metohija can only be solved in the United Nations"

Due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will request a conversation with the head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, and then an urgent session of the Security Council.

Drecun says that it should be expected that some result can be achieved, bearing in mind that according to Resolution 1244, it is the obligation of the Security Council to protect the resolution and implement measures aimed at this, but he emphasizes that it is quite unrealistic to expect that the USA, Great Britain and France to change its stance and question its support for Pristina.

"In addition to all the verbal warnings and threats to Albin Kurti because of the unilateral violent actions he is taking, we see that the situation is not calming down," Drecun points out.

He says that what President Vučić spoke about yesterday shows that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is entering a dramatic phase of development and that there is no indication that Pristina will give up unilateral moves.

"Pristina is undertaking activities that show that they are preparing to further escalate the situation in the coming period, and it seems that they don't really care about all the measures that the European Union and the USA are allegedly taking against Pristina. It is simply unbelievable that these measures do not give any expected result," says Drecun.

He believes that the problem of Kosovo and Metohija can only be solved in the United Nations.

"All the talk about Quint and international conferences, these are unilateral moves, it cannot lead to solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija," Drecun points out.

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