Commission announces results of parliamentary elections

The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) late on Thursday announced the final results of the May 6 elections held for Serbia's parliament.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 10.05.2012.


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The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) late on Thursday announced the final results of the May 6 elections held for Serbia's parliament. The SNS-led "Let's get Serbia Moving - Tomislav Nikolic" list won a total of 73 seats, followed by the DS-led "Choice for a Better Life - Boris Tadic" with 67 seats. Commission announces results of parliamentary elections The Socialist Party of Serbia-Party of United Pensioners of Serbia-United Serbia (SPS-PUPS-JS) coalition was third, with 44 seats. The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) follows with 21 seats, the LDP-led U-Turn list amassed 19, while the united Regions of Serbia (URS) managed to secure 16 seats. Of the parties represneting ethnic minorities, the "Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians - Istvan Pastor" list won a total of five seats, the "Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak - Sulejman Ugljanin" received two seats, while the lists "All Together" and "None of The Above Options" lists won one seat each. The Albanian Coalition from southern Serbian will have one seat, according to the results. The Serb Radical Party (SRS), the Dveri Movement, the "Reformist Party - Milan Visnjic" list, the Movement of Workers and Peasants, the Social Democratic Alliance, the Montenegrin Party and the Communist Party, all remained below the five percent threshold and will not be represented in parliament. A total of 12 RIK members, from the ranks of the SRS, the DSS, the SNS, Dveri and the Movement of Workers and Peasants, raised objections to the final results of the parliamentary elections. The remaining 20 RIK members, coming from other parties, voted in favor of the final report. The commission issued the final results having processed 99.93 percent of all polling places. After the final results are published, the new parliament must be constituted in the next 30 days. The first session will be called by former Speaker Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic. RIK will give the mandates to the candidates in accordance with the order in which they appear on electoral lists. Mandates of two thirds of 250 MPs need to be confirmed in order for the new parliament to be constituted. A new parliament speaker, deputies and secretary general will be chosen at the first parliament session. The new Serbian government should be formed within three months after the new parliament has been constituted. (Tanjug) Beta Tanjug

Commission announces results of parliamentary elections

The Socialist Party of Serbia-Party of United Pensioners of Serbia-United Serbia (SPS-PUPS-JS) coalition was third, with 44 seats.

The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) follows with 21 seats, the LDP-led U-Turn list amassed 19, while the united Regions of Serbia (URS) managed to secure 16 seats.

Of the parties represneting ethnic minorities, the "Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians - Istvan Pastor" list won a total of five seats, the "Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak - Sulejman Ugljanin" received two seats, while the lists "All Together" and "None of The Above Options" lists won one seat each.

The Albanian Coalition from southern Serbian will have one seat, according to the results.

The Serb Radical Party (SRS), the Dveri Movement, the "Reformist Party - Milan Višnjić" list, the Movement of Workers and Peasants, the Social Democratic Alliance, the Montenegrin Party and the Communist Party, all remained below the five percent threshold and will not be represented in parliament.

A total of 12 RIK members, from the ranks of the SRS, the DSS, the SNS, Dveri and the Movement of Workers and Peasants, raised objections to the final results of the parliamentary elections. The remaining 20 RIK members, coming from other parties, voted in favor of the final report.

The commission issued the final results having processed 99.93 percent of all polling places.

After the final results are published, the new parliament must be constituted in the next 30 days. The first session will be called by former Speaker Slavica Đukić-Dejanović.

RIK will give the mandates to the candidates in accordance with the order in which they appear on electoral lists.

Mandates of two thirds of 250 MPs need to be confirmed in order for the new parliament to be constituted.

A new parliament speaker, deputies and secretary general will be chosen at the first parliament session.

The new Serbian government should be formed within three months after the new parliament has been constituted.

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