Igor Jurić revealed: "Jovana Marjanović was a victim of abuse" VIDEO

The case of the missing Jovana Marjanovic, whose body was found on Sunday, has attracted a lot of public attention in Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 28.12.2021.


Igor Jurić revealed:
Foto: TV Prva

Igor Jurić revealed: "Jovana Marjanović was a victim of abuse" VIDEO

As a reminder, she disappeared on Zlatibor on December 22. She went out for a walk, leaving her apartment at 47 Save Stanojčića Street, and after a few minutes her phone was turned off and she has been missing ever since.

The founder of the Tijana Jurić Foundation, Igor Jurić, revealed for TV Prva that he was in contact with the family of Jovana Marjanović and pointed out that the woman was a victim of abuse.

He pointed out that people close to her were familiar with that.

Juric stated that it was known that she had a problem, but he points out that it was most likely "not a motive for what happened".

Learn more in the enclosed video.

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