3 arrested for setting journalist's house on fire

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) has published the names of those arrested for burning down the house of Zig Info website Milan Jovanovic.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 24.12.2018.


3 arrested for setting journalist's house on fire
UNS logo

3 arrested for setting journalist's house on fire

UNS said in a statement they learned from "sources of close to the investigation" that Aleksandar Marinkovic was suspected of committing the crime, while Bojana Cvetkovic-Sijacki was arrested as an accomplice, and Igor Novakovic as an organizer.

"According to the data available to the police, it is suspected that Novakovic had previously loaned money to Marinkovic, and as Marinkovic could not repay the debt, Novakovic suggested that he should carry out the attack on journalist Milan Jovanovic," the UNS statement said.

According to the UNS data, Cvetkovic-Sijacki is suspected of driving Marinkovic to the scene of the attack on the house, after which Marinkovic used a brick to smash a window, pour gas over Jovanovic's Mercedes and set it on fire, which later spread to the whole house.

"We learned from the police that after that, Marinkovic's debt was written off, and he was paid extra money for his work," the statement said.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has announced that three persons, identified with their initials and year of birth as A.M. (1993) and B.S.C., (1981) and I. N. (1977), had been arrested for burning down the house of journalist Milan Jovanovic on December 12.

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