Attacker says "Germans looked gay"

A man who attacked two German citizens with a knife and robbed them said he thought they were "members of the gay population".

Izvor: Blic

Friday, 13.08.2010.


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A man who attacked two German citizens with a knife and robbed them said he thought they were "members of the gay population". Kristijan Zivanovic was arrested in his home in Belgrade and has confessed to the attack, Belgrade daily Blic writes. Attacker says "Germans looked gay" However, Zivanovic told the police that although he took his victim's gold chains, cell phones and money, he attacked them irritated that they were "hugging and kissing on the promenade". 18-year-old Dominik Miller was seriously wounded, while his compatriot, who is a minor, was lightly injured in the early hours of Thursday on Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija river resort. Miller's condition has in the meantime fully stabilized, and he is recovering, his doctors said.

Attacker says "Germans looked gay"

However, Živanović told the police that although he took his victim's gold chains, cell phones and money, he attacked them irritated that they were "hugging and kissing on the promenade".

18-year-old Dominik Miller was seriously wounded, while his compatriot, who is a minor, was lightly injured in the early hours of Thursday on Belgrade's Ada Ciganlija river resort.

Miller's condition has in the meantime fully stabilized, and he is recovering, his doctors said.

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