New Magna Seating plant opens in northwestern town

A new plant of Canadian car seat cover maker Magna Seating officially started operation in Odzaci, a town in northwestern Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 19.05.2017.


New Magna Seating plant opens in northwestern town

New Magna Seating plant opens in northwestern town

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic attended the ceremony, and said that salaries in the public sector could be increased by ten percent by the end of the year - "noting that the minimum wage will also be increased," the government said on its website.

"This will be done perhaps as early as September or October," he said, and announced that payroll taxes and contributions will be reduced by one or two percent.

He "expressed hope that the salaries will grow in the private sector too - which is slowly getting closer to the public sector."

Vucic "pointed out that this was possible only thanks to the seriousness of the program that was implemented."

"Until yesterday, the surplus in the state budget was 23 billion instead of a 80 billion deficit, as projected. Energy and mining sectors record better results, while manufacturing industry and construction are slowly getting back to their feet," he said.

Vucic reiterated that the aim is that GDP growth be more than three percent, as is the growth projection of the IMF, and "expressed hope that this will be achieved."

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