Serbia and Croatia to reconstruct Belgrade-Zagreb railway

A memorandum of cooperation on the improvement of rail transport has been signed between Serbia and Croatia, the Serbian government announced.


Monday, 12.03.2018.


Serbia and Croatia to reconstruct Belgrade-Zagreb railway
The delegations that attended the signing of the memorandum (Tanjug)

Serbia and Croatia to reconstruct Belgrade-Zagreb railway

The memorandum, which foresees a joint reconstruction of the Belgrade-Zagreb railroad, was signed at the Palace of Serbia in the presence of Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic.

At the press conference after the signing of the memorandum, the two ministers said that the realization of the reconstruction of the Belgrade-Zagreb railway line is very important for connecting the two countries and the entire region.

Mihajlovic pointed out that the signed memorandum was the first result of the recent visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Croatia, at the invitation of the president of that country, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic.

Joksimovic said that Serbia and Croatia will apply together with European funds for this important project.

Butkovic said that the this memorandum is one of the most important infrastructure projects in the region.

The Belgrade-Zagreb railroad is 412 kilometerss long and after the reconstruction, the journey on this route will be reduced from the current seven and a half hours to a little over three hours.

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