Orban: Fence on Hungary-Serbia border by August 31

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban announced on Saturday that the 175-km fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border would be completed by August 31.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 27.07.2015.


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Orban: Fence on Hungary-Serbia border by August 31

This manner of shutting down the border will result in a reduced number of illegal crossings by around 85 percent, Orban said and expressed the expectation that the construction of the fence on the border with Serbia would bring about major improvements.

The Hungarian government has approved the technical design and selected a mix of different technological solutions for the construction of the fence, Orban said as reported by Hungarian Agency MTI.

Commenting on the major inflow of migrants to Europe, Orban said that European values, lifestyle of European citizens and the survival of nations and Europe as a whole are in jeopardy today, and he voiced the belief that the real threat comes from the heart of Africa and not from war zones.

"Today, there is no question as to what kind of Europe Hungarians want to live in, but rather whether the entity we call Europe would continue to exist at all ion the time to come," Orban said.

"Our response is clear: we want Europe to stay European," the Hungarian prime minister said.

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