"Serbia is guarantor of Dayton agreement"

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić said that Serbia is a guarantor of the Dayton agreement, which entails the preservation of Bosnia's Serb entity, the RS.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 23.06.2014.


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"Serbia is guarantor of Dayton agreement"

”The Dayton Treaty has been constantly brought down and it was to remain a dead letter when it comes to Serbs' rights, while Bosnia-Herzegovina was to be promoted through this,” Nikolić said in an interview for the Serb entity's broadcaster RTRS.

"Since the adoption of the Dayton Treaty, there has been no wish to build Bosnia as a country of entities and ethnicities with equal rights and instead, everyone strove to dismantle the RS," he said.

"I cannot do anything for Bosnia-Herzegovina to survive, if it does not want to. Tell me, has any kind of glue that would tie Bosnia-Herzegovina together occurred during these past 20 years? I do not think that such a thing even exists."

Speaking about the forthcoming October elections in Bosnia, Nikolić said that as the president of Serbia, he will cooperate "with everyone who earns the citizens' trust," noting at the same time that it was "not up to him to support or not support any political option."

Nikolić said that representatives of Serbia initially planned to visit Sarajevo to mark the 100th anniversary of the Sarajevo assassination and the beginning of World War I but they decided not to because they do not want to participate in historical revisionism.

He stated that such attempts "did not produce the results some might have expected to see and Serbs can thus look forward to the 100th anniversary of World War I with dignity despite certain revisionist tendencies."

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