Bosnia strips 661 persons of citizenship

Bosnia-Herzegovina has revoked the citizenships of 661 people since March 2006, officials say.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 27.01.2008.


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Bosnia strips 661 persons of citizenship

But the commission also announced in Sarajevo today it "could not decisively determine" how many were granted Bosnian passports.

It has also come to light that Bosnia's diplomatic offices abroad "did not keep records on citizenship applications," as required by law.

Out of the 661 of those who lost their Bosnian citizenship, 41 have filed appeals with local courts.

The media reported last year that a number of these cases involved Arabs who fought alongside Bosnia's Muslims, or Bosniaks, in the 1992-1995 war in that country, in what was known as the Mujaheddin units.

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