RS president accuses Bosniaks of “self-genocide”

Republic of Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that Bosniaks were committing “self-genocide” by constantly claiming they were victims.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 03.06.2012.


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Republic of Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that Bosniaks were committing “self-genocide” by constantly claiming they were victims. “Nobody is threatening them. The RS and Serbs did not commit genocide in the past. Genocide was committed against us in Jasenovac and in other places, which was supported wholeheartedly by (Bosnian chief mufti) Mustafa Ceric’s predecessors,“ he told reporters. RS president accuses Bosniaks of “self-genocide” Dodik reacted to Ceric’s statement that Bosnian Muslims were facing new genocide. The RS president noted that a “huge crime” happened in the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and that individuals who had committed it needed to be put on trial. Dodik stressed that the elections in the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina were underway. “The fact that Mustafa Ceric is dealing with politics shows that the role of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina is completely negative in this society,” he said, adding that the religious community should stay outside politics and the government. According to him, the Islamic Community has enabled extreme Muslim groups, such as Wahhabis, Salafists and others, to operate freely in the country. “All terrorist attacks that happened here were done by members of the radical Wahhabi movement,” Dodik said. Milorad Dodik (Tanjug, file) Tanjug

RS president accuses Bosniaks of “self-genocide”

Dodik reacted to Cerić’s statement that Bosnian Muslims were facing new genocide.

The RS president noted that a “huge crime” happened in the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and that individuals who had committed it needed to be put on trial.

Dodik stressed that the elections in the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina were underway.

“The fact that Mustafa Cerić is dealing with politics shows that the role of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina is completely negative in this society,” he said, adding that the religious community should stay outside politics and the government.

According to him, the Islamic Community has enabled extreme Muslim groups, such as Wahhabis, Salafists and others, to operate freely in the country.

“All terrorist attacks that happened here were done by members of the radical Wahhabi movement,” Dodik said.

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