"Priština told Kosovo will not join UN"

Kosovo will not become a member of the United Nations, the Priština-based Albanian language daily Tribuna is quoting unnamed diplomatic sources as saying.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 27.11.2013.


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PRISTINA Kosovo will not become a member of the United Nations, the Pristina-based Albanian language daily Tribuna is quoting unnamed diplomatic sources as saying. According to the report published on Wednesday, Pristina was told this "in clear terms." "Pristina told Kosovo will not join UN" The authorities there have been told to give up on that goal "in this phase of the dialogue with Belgrade," the daily said, and added that this was interpreted as "a painful compromise" for Pristina. According to the newspaper, Kosovo's inability to join the UN "is reminiscent of the status of Taiwan" - which declared independence, but is "internationally" still a part of China. Tanjug

"Priština told Kosovo will not join UN"

The authorities there have been told to give up on that goal "in this phase of the dialogue with Belgrade," the daily said, and added that this was interpreted as "a painful compromise" for Priština.

According to the newspaper, Kosovo's inability to join the UN "is reminiscent of the status of Taiwan" - which declared independence, but is "internationally" still a part of China.

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