Police in Kosovo warn Feb. 17 protest could turn violent

Kosovo police have warned that the opposition protest scheduled for February 17 in Pristina "could lead to violence and threaten security."

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 16.02.2016.


Police in Kosovo warn Feb. 17 protest could turn violent
(Getty Images, file)

Police in Kosovo warn Feb. 17 protest could turn violent

The police explained that "various kinds of hard objects, firebombs, not excluding firearms" could be used.

The statement also calls on citizens to be cautious and refrain from violence, "because it could lead to negative consequences for the protesters themselves, as well as the police officers in charge of public order and security."

The Kosovo police stressed that citizens have the right to public assembly, freedom of speech, protests and events in accordance with the constitution and the rule of law.

At the same time, they pointed out, the police will do everything to preserve public order and peace, ensure security during the protests and allow free movement of all citizens.

In accordance with its "operational plan" for protest, the police said the expect media representatives to carry the press cards and visible "press" markings.

Eight years ago, on February 17, the so-called state of Kosovo declared its independence.

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