Ethnic Hungarian party "counts on cooperation with SNS"

The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM) is counting on post-election cooperation with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at provincial level as well.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 14.03.2016.


Ethnic Hungarian party

Ethnic Hungarian party "counts on cooperation with SNS"

"We want to continue the cooperation with the SNS on the basis of partnership and a common denominator in terms of the program, and if we have managed to do so at national level and in numerous local self-government units over the past two years, I do not see why we could not manage to do the same at provincial level," Pasztor told Tanjug.

He said that the basic matters to seek a common denominator over are the laws on Vojvodina's authority and funding and finding a solution for the province's constitutional and legal status for the longer term, with constitutional amendments expected to be made in the current four-year term.

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