Vucic and his party most popular in Serbia - poll

According to Faktor Plus agency's latest opinion poll, the Serb Progressives (SNS) and their leader and Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic have the highest rating.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 02.03.2016.


Vucic and his party most popular in Serbia - poll
The SNS logo

Vucic and his party most popular in Serbia - poll

The Radicals (SRS) are next on the list with six percent, followed by the Dveri/DSS coalition and the SDS/LDP/LSV alliance with 5.7 and five percent, respectively.

Aleksandar Vucic is the most popular politician with the approval rating of 58 percent, followed by Tomislav Nikolic and Zorana Mihajlovic (SNS), with SPS leader Ivica Dacic in third place.

DS leader Bojan Pajtic has the highest negative rating (63 percent), followed by SRS leader Vojislav Seselj and SDS leader Boris Tadic.

Faktor Plus said their survey was carried out in late February and included 1,200 respondents. If elections were held this week, the turnout would be 54 percent. 24 percent would not vote, while 20 percent are still undecided which party to support with their vote.

According to the poll, election campaign topics of interest will include economic growth and unemployment, followed by the EU, Kosovo, migrants, and relations in the region.

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