Rogozin to Serbia: Russia and Putin "stand with you"

Russia's First Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin said in Belgrade on Wednesday that his country and her president, Vladimir Putin, "stand with Serbia".

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 28.11.2012.


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BELGRADE Russia's First Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin said in Belgrade on Wednesday that his country and her president, Vladimir Putin, "stand with Serbia". Russia is willing to invest in Serbia, and has the money to do that, he told a news conference after a meeting with his opposite number in the Serbian cabinet, Aleksandar Vucic. Rogozin to Serbia: Russia and Putin "stand with you" Official Moscow has gained a "reliable and serious partner" in Serbia's new authorities, Rogozin stressed, and added that Russia needs a strong Serbia that will stand its ground. "Russia is willing to invest in Serbia and has the money to do that, and I believe our 'marriage' will not be only of convenience, but also of love," he said. The Russian official emphasized that his country continues to support Serbia when it comes to the protection of her territorial integrity. Rogozin stated that he could not fail to notice the horrific consequences of NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia, and noted that international law was based on two principles: protection of territorial integrity and right to self-determination, where the first principle was more important: "The right to self-determination is taken into account only if there is threat of genocide or destruction of an entire nation, and that's the only time it could override the first principle. So I ask: who was endangering (ethnic) Albanians in 2008, who exactly? There was a government in Belgrade that had reached a compromise on Kosovo. Milosevic had been removed. Why then was the decision made on recognizing Kosovo?" According to him, the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence, made almost five years ago, was an act of violence. "If recognizing Kosovo was a condition for your admission to the EU, you ought to think about that condition. It's an insolent condition... but it is your sovereign decision and Russia will support it," Rogozin said, and added that he saw no conflict of interest in Serbia's possible EU membership, and the country's status as Russia's strategic partner. "We support Serbia on Kosovo not because we are friends, but because we insist on the principle of territorial integrity... one must hold one's ground and remain united. That's why Russia stands with you. We need a strong Serbia that will stand for her own position." Aleksandar Vucic told reporters that Serbia's desire to join the EU and maintain the friendly ties with Russia was "not contentious". According to Vucic, Serbia will not allow anyone to spoil those ties - but the deputy PM also noted that "nobody asked for that, not the EU, not anyone from any other side". "Serbia is governed by her own interests because it exists primarily for its own citizens," he was quoted as saying. Rogozin also met with President Tomislav Nikolic and PM Ivica Dacic today. He informed the Serbian officials that Russia had granted Serbia a loan, which previous reports said was worth USD 1 billion. More photos Vucic visited Moscow in August when he and Rogozin discussed strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, improvement of defense industry, modernization of the Serbian Army (VS) and a potential joint projects and participation in the third market. The Serbian deputy PM said at the time that Serbia was planning on building a modern weapons factory and that Rogozin had expressed willingness to help Serbia sell the weapons. Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Philip Reeker visited Serbia on Tuesday and met with the Serbian officials. Dmitry Rogozin and Aleksandar Vucic address reporters (Tanjug) B92 Beta Tanjug

Rogozin to Serbia: Russia and Putin "stand with you"

Official Moscow has gained a "reliable and serious partner" in Serbia's new authorities, Rogozin stressed, and added that Russia needs a strong Serbia that will stand its ground.

"Russia is willing to invest in Serbia and has the money to do that, and I believe our 'marriage' will not be only of convenience, but also of love," he said.

The Russian official emphasized that his country continues to support Serbia when it comes to the protection of her territorial integrity.

Rogozin stated that he could not fail to notice the horrific consequences of NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia, and noted that international law was based on two principles: protection of territorial integrity and right to self-determination, where the first principle was more important:

"The right to self-determination is taken into account only if there is threat of genocide or destruction of an entire nation, and that's the only time it could override the first principle. So I ask: who was endangering (ethnic) Albanians in 2008, who exactly? There was a government in Belgrade that had reached a compromise on Kosovo. Milošević had been removed. Why then was the decision made on recognizing Kosovo?"

According to him, the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence, made almost five years ago, was an act of violence.

"If recognizing Kosovo was a condition for your admission to the EU, you ought to think about that condition. It's an insolent condition... but it is your sovereign decision and Russia will support it," Rogozin said, and added that he saw no conflict of interest in Serbia's possible EU membership, and the country's status as Russia's strategic partner.

"We support Serbia on Kosovo not because we are friends, but because we insist on the principle of territorial integrity... one must hold one's ground and remain united. That's why Russia stands with you. We need a strong Serbia that will stand for her own position."

Aleksandar Vučić told reporters that Serbia's desire to join the EU and maintain the friendly ties with Russia was "not contentious".

According to Vučić, Serbia will not allow anyone to spoil those ties - but the deputy PM also noted that "nobody asked for that, not the EU, not anyone from any other side".

"Serbia is governed by her own interests because it exists primarily for its own citizens," he was quoted as saying.

Rogozin also met with President Tomislav Nikolić and PM Ivica Dačić today. He informed the Serbian officials that Russia had granted Serbia a loan, which previous reports said was worth USD 1 billion.

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Vučić visited Moscow in August when he and Rogozin discussed strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, improvement of defense industry, modernization of the Serbian Army (VS) and a potential joint projects and participation in the third market.

The Serbian deputy PM said at the time that Serbia was planning on building a modern weapons factory and that Rogozin had expressed willingness to help Serbia sell the weapons.

Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Philip Reeker visited Serbia on Tuesday and met with the Serbian officials.

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