Tadić continues visit to Greece

Serbian President Boris Tadić will meet in Athens today, on the second day of his official visit to Greece, with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 02.06.2010.


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Serbian President Boris Tadic will meet in Athens today, on the second day of his official visit to Greece, with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. He will also meet with Greek businesspeople at a meeting of the Greek-Serbian Business Council. Tadic continues visit to Greece At the beginning of his three-day visit on Tuesday, President Tadic met with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, who said that Serbia should become a member of the European Union within the shortest possible period. President Papoulias said at a joint news conference after the meeting that the official Athens will continue to strongly support Serbia's European future. Tadic received the Gold Medal of the Greek Parliament in Athens on Tuesday for his contribution in strengthening and deepening the friendly relations between the two countries. Greek Parliament Speaker Philippos Petsalnikos presented Tadic with the medal, saying that the two countries' parliaments would continue improving their relations to benefit both nations. The award ceremony for this highest of recognitions that the Greek Parliament bestows on foreign officials was attended by members of the Greece-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship Group among others. Tadic laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Greek parliament before meeting with Petsalnikos. Papoulias, Tadic in Athens on Tuesday (Beta/AP)

Tadić continues visit to Greece

At the beginning of his three-day visit on Tuesday, President Tadić met with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, who said that Serbia should become a member of the European Union within the shortest possible period.

President Papoulias said at a joint news conference after the meeting that the official Athens will continue to strongly support Serbia's European future.

Tadić received the Gold Medal of the Greek Parliament in Athens on Tuesday for his contribution in strengthening and deepening the friendly relations between the two countries.

Greek Parliament Speaker Philippos Petsalnikos presented Tadić with the medal, saying that the two countries' parliaments would continue improving their relations to benefit both nations.

The award ceremony for this highest of recognitions that the Greek Parliament bestows on foreign officials was attended by members of the Greece-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship Group among others.

Tadić laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Greek parliament before meeting with Petsalnikos.

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