A military truck landed near Vranje; It's been confirmed for B92.net: A soldier died

The military truck landed in a ravine near Drenovac in the mountainous region of Vranje.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 16.06.2023.


A military truck landed near Vranje; It's been confirmed for B92.net: A soldier died
Foto: Shutterstock/duchic

A military truck landed near Vranje; It's been confirmed for B92.net: A soldier died

As confirmed for B92.net by the Emergency Service in Vranje, one person died in the accident.

The media reported that he was a member of the Army, Senior Sergeant 1st Class B.K. (46).

Three people were injured and treated at the Vranje Health Center. After detailed examinations, it was determined that the injuries were minor.

The Police Department in Vranje confirmed that a traffic accident was reported at 9:30 a.m. and that investigative teams went to the scene.

The police say that they will not issue any statements, and that the public will be informed about this event by the Ministry of Defense.

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