"We'll tell everyone, Kosovo can't join Interpol"

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Tuesday that Serbia will inform all Interpol General Assembly members that Kosovo should not join the organization.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 11.09.2018.


(Tanjug, file)

"We'll tell everyone, Kosovo can't join Interpol"

At a joint press conference with Meng, Stefanovic said that the accent of the arguments will be on the Interpol resolution on clear guidelines, procedures and criteria for membership that says only a UN member state can become a member of that international organization, that us dealing with police cooperation.

Kosovo's membership application has been included in the draft provisional agenda of the 87th session of the General Assembly of Interpol, which, according to earlier announcements, should be held in the United Arab Emirates in November.

Both Meng and Stefanovic, after the meeting, estimated that Serbia is among the 10 most important partners of Interpol, which has 192 members.

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