Historic high, crucial state: PMs praise Serbia-Hungary ties

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says relations between Serbia and Hungary are at their "historically highest level."

Izvor: srbija.gov.rs

Friday, 09.02.2018.


Historic high, crucial state: PMs praise Serbia-Hungary ties
The joint session of Serbian and Hungarian governments (Tanjug)

Historic high, crucial state: PMs praise Serbia-Hungary ties

According to her remarks published by the Serbian government, in a joint address to journalists with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Brnabic expressed gratitude to Hungary for supporting Serbia on its path to the EU and on boldly representing Serbia's interests in Brussels often.

She pointed out that relations are at a very high level, primarily as a result of the personal dedication and friendship of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Orban, and that important projects have been started and finished on the basis of such good personal relations in the previous period.

"This is what I, as prime minister, should continue with my team. And I am here today to strongly state that we are committed to relations and friendship with Hungary and that we will continue to build these relationships and invest a lot in them," she stressed.

She also "conveyed her gratitude to Hungary for continuing support to the European path of Serbia, in technical form and every other."

Brnabic congratulated Orban on economic successes, on the increase in exports and in reducing unemployment, which is also a big indicator for Serbia that it is possible to reverse the economic situation within a decade.

"That is the way Serbia is going. Now we can boast about good results in relation to four or five years ago, but we have to work hard to get where Hungary is today and I hope that at some other joint session we will be able to boast about these successes together," Brnabic underlined.

Orban stated that for Hungary, Serbia is a crucial country in the Western Balkans as it has a very important role in the regional security. He underlined that there cannot be safe Balkans without Serbia.

He thanked Serbia, its president and the government "for helping keep migrants at south borders of Hungary."

Orban noted that in recent years Serbia achieved "great economic results."

He "pointed out that cultural relations between the two countries are also at a high level and thanked Serbia on the support to the Hungarian national minority, noting that Serbia’s policy towards minorities should be an example to others."

The joint sessions of the two governments, as a form of political cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, was established in Belgrade in July 2014. Next session was hosted in Budapest in 2015, while the third was held in Nis, southern Serbia, in November 2016.

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