Serbia plays for the final; "Kari, get hold of a new title", Villain vs. Bogdan VIDEO

Basketball players of Serbia will play the semifinals of the World Championship in Manila from 10:45 a.m., meeting with the Canadian national team.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 08.09.2023.


Serbia plays for the final;
Foto: FIBA

Serbia plays for the final; "Kari, get hold of a new title", Villain vs. Bogdan VIDEO

Svetislav Pešić's team made it to the top four in the world after a great victory against Lithuania, while the Canadians eliminated Slovenia.

By reaching the semi-finals of the World Cup, "Eagles" won the Olympic standard for Paris, and this Friday they will try to secure a world medal as well.

''We have our chances. I congratulate them on qualifying for the Olympic Games. Now they can be more relieved, but not more relaxed, and attack Canada with an extra dose of self-confidence'', Dejan Tomasevic said.

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