RS president: Condemn all crimes

The Republic of Srpska (RS) believes that crimes that took place during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina should be condemned at any place and everywhere.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 16.03.2010.


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The Republic of Srpska (RS) believes that crimes that took place during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina should be condemned at any place and everywhere. This is according to a statement from the president of the Serb entity in Bosnia, Rajko Kuzmanovic. RS president: Condemn all crimes As for the announced resolution on the crime in Srebrenica that Serbia should adopt, Kuzmanovic said that it is on Serbia to decide what kind of resolution it will be, adding that depending on the content of the resolution, RS has right to voice its opinion whether it is in favor or against it. He added that in this phase, RS cannot support resolution which would unilaterally condemn only one crime. “So far, we have received information that the Srebrenica resolution will be balanced,” Kuzmanovic said, adding that the time will tell in what manner the situation will resolve.

RS president: Condemn all crimes

As for the announced resolution on the crime in Srebrenica that Serbia should adopt, Kuzmanović said that it is on Serbia to decide what kind of resolution it will be, adding that depending on the content of the resolution, RS has right to voice its opinion whether it is in favor or against it.

He added that in this phase, RS cannot support resolution which would unilaterally condemn only one crime.

“So far, we have received information that the Srebrenica resolution will be balanced,” Kuzmanović said, adding that the time will tell in what manner the situation will resolve.

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